Professional Detective Services We offer comprehensive support in resolving difficult cases - from family matters to complex economic investigations. Truth Without Compromise We verify facts, uncover hidden information and provide evidence that has a real impact on your case. Protecting your interests We keep your affairs safe by helping you make decisions based on sound data.
| The truth always comes out | Professional detective services | Discretion and efficiency - our motto | We solve secrets and protect your interests | Verification, analysis, evidence | Your security in our hands | We determine assets and current residential addresses of debtors | We are always on the lookout for the truth. 

Detective Services - Full Support and Discretion

The aim of our detective activity is to provide reliable and necessary information that allows our clients to make informed decisions and effectively protect their interests. We operate with full professionalism, discretion and commitment, offering comprehensive services that respond to the broad needs of both individuals and businesses.

One of our key tasks is also the collection of evidence in the form of photographs, video recordings or documents. The evidence we collect is prepared in such a way that it can be used effectively in court proceedings, whether civil or criminal.

Our main areas of activity:

Business intelligence

We provide support in the analysis and assessment of the credibility of business entities. Our activities include verification of counterparties, financial risk analysis and obtaining information on the structure and financial condition of companies. This is a service that allows you to avoid risky cooperation and build secure business development.

Asset Determinations

We assist in identifying and analysing the assets of private individuals and business entities. Our findings range from real estate owned to movable property, bank accounts or other assets, which can be crucial in enforcement, divorce or inheritance proceedings. Our findings cover not only Poland, but also Europe and Asia.

Establishing a current residential address

We effectively uncover the residential addresses of fugitives or missing persons. Our activities are carried out with complete discretion, with the aim of locating the person sought as quickly and effectively as possible

Verification of employees and partners

We provide verification of business partners, employees (e.g. on L4 or in case of employee theft) and personal partners. We provide reliable evidence, helping you to make informed decisions.

Overt and covert observation

We have the experience and tools to conduct effective observation, both overt and covert. Such activities allow us to gather evidence in cases of infidelity, theft, fraud or unfair competition. Our reports are prepared in detail and provide a complete picture.

Settlement of property and succession disputes

We assist in determining the assets and heirs of deceased persons. We also verify cases of intentional concealment or transcription of assets, providing the necessary information during court and enforcement proceedings.

Acts of unfair competition

Our services include the identification of acts of unfair competition, such as infringements of company secrets, counterfeiting of products or deliberate lowering of a company’s image. With our reports, you can successfully defend your interests in court.

Search and
Discovery of Items

We assist in locating items that have been lost, misappropriated or stolen. Through our methods, we are able to recover valuable items and deliver them to the actual owner.

Determination of place of employment

Our service makes it possible to establish the precise place of work of a designated person, which can be crucial in many situations such as enforcement proceedings, alimony or lawsuits. We guarantee full discretion and compliance with current legislation.

How do we work?

Consultation - we analyse your needs and challenges in order to select appropriate methods of action.
Action planning - we prepare a strategy to ensure maximum effectiveness of our actions.
Implementation - we conduct thorough observations, collect data and prepare reports.
Reporting - we present detailed results of our work, with recommendations for further action.

Our Partners

Jestem pełna podziwu dla zaangażowania Pana Michała w sprawę. Polecam w 100%. Jeżeli ktoś zastanawia się nad wyborem- nie warto. Opis sprawy jest jasny, szczery. Pan Michał poświęca tyle czasu na rozmowę ile potrzeba. Polecam!
Podejście Pana Michała do każdej sprawy jest rzetelne i sumienne. Jego wszechstronność i gotowość do udzielania porad są nieocenione. Serdecznie polecam tę kancelarię.
Firma godna polecenia. Pełen profesjonalizm pod względem windykacyjnym ,skuteczność w działaniu. Udało się odzyskać dług w bardzo krótkim czasie. Dziękujemy i Polecamy!
Zdecydowanie polecam kancelarię! Pan Michał jest bardzo skuteczny i profesjonalny. Wszystko załatwione jak trzeba, a przy tym sympatycznie i nie za drogo. 🙂
Miła, kompetentna i pełna profesjonalizmu obsługa.
Współpraca przebiegła pomyślnie, profesjonalne podejście do sprawy, polecam
Podejście Pana Michała do każdej sprawy jest rzetelne i sumienne. Jego wszechstronność i gotowość do udzielania porad są nieocenione. Serdecznie polecam tę kancelarię.
Polecam .pomimo niewielkiej kwoty do odzyskania i trudnej sprawy kancelaria podjęła się zadania z pozytywnym skutkiem.
Serdecznie polecam Pana Michała Starzyńskiego, po 9 latach walki z Sądami, Komornikami itp. dłużnik nie był skłonny, aby spłacić swój dług. Po zgłoszeniu sprawy do Pana Michała Starzyńskiego, dłużnik zobowiązał się co miesiąc w ratach spłacać swój dług. Z całego serca polecam.
Współpraca przebiegła pomyślnie, profesjonalne podejście do sprawy, polecam.
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Lublin Sports Taekwon-do Club